A few months ago, we cared for a mini Schnauzer named Connor and a Labradoodle named Bonny. They were lots of fun, especially Connor who was the most energetic one.
Their owners thought their meals were a bit boring. They were very healthy and designed so neither of them put on too much weight. To make mealtime more interesting for them, they had Kong Treat Dispenser Toys in which we placed little biscuits. Bonny and Connor had a great time getting the biscuits to come out.
Here’s one of their favourites. We just popped the biccies in the hole, threw it on the floor and they had fun playing with it. We put down quite a few of them all at the same time.
Pretty funny to watch as you can see in the video below. They loved the balls too…
Here are Bonnie and Connor in the video below, getting the rest of their biscuits from their toys.